Local People

The Leiston CLT is working with local partners, businesses and the community to bring about positive change within the town centre. It’s a not-for-profit organisation that seeks out, listens to and acts on the opinions of Leiston’s residents and visitors.

Become a Member

The CLT presents itself to the town, demonstrating its drive, vision and commitment to regenerate the town for all Leiston residents. The Trustees are prepared to visit interested groups and give a presentation on their plans and potential ways of achieving them. The CLT trustees have been present in the community on several occasions (The Co-op, the United Church, Slimming World, Suffolk Day etc.) with other engagements planned. We wish to meet townspeople who share our vision and want to seek your opinions.

Make your opinion heard by becoming a member. You can make a difference. Sign up now and help Leiston become a destination for the community, local businesses and tourists.

Our Office

22 Sizewell Road is the CLT base and is open on Tuesday mornings for all to visit. Visitors can come in, ask questions, see our draft plans, and give their ideas of what would enhance Leiston town centre. Membership is £1, which entitles each member to receive the regular newsletter telling of our progress as we move forward. Along with voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.

We will be attending all open events in the town where we can have an information stall. The people of Leiston are free to offer opinions; we are open to any ideas or criticism. The regeneration is for Leiston people.

How can you get involved?

Young families

Young families will be key to driving footfall throughout the town, and engaging with local businesses, amenities and community projects. This encompasses both young parents with pre-school age children as well as parents dropping off and collecting children from the local school in the town.

Leiston offers a variety of ways for young families to engage with the town centre – providing cafés, a cinema and community groups, for both pre-school and school age children either after school and at the weekends.


The elderly community remember how the Leiston town centre used to be. They still predominantly use the local services and shops. This project wants to engage this segment as advocates for the town centre.

Town centre users

Leiston town centre is a sustainable town which people use on a weekly basis. In comparison, Aldeburgh and Southwold are local tourist towns. Many locals from the tourist towns come to Leiston to carry out their weekly shopping. This project wants to increase the footfall to the town, creating a truly sustainable high street for local residents as well as tourists.

Potential retailers

Alongside increasing footfall to the centre, this project also hopes to attract new retailers to the high street. Leiston is an attractive town in which to open a retail space, with people visiting the high street from the surrounding areas such as Aldeburgh and Southwold.

A new retail outlets have recently opened in part of the development site area; Leiston CLT expects to build upon this, encouraging economic growth.

Housing residents

A key part of the project is affordable housing. This is predominantly for local people, encouraging them to live and work in the Leiston area. It will initially involve promoting new housing to local people, and then in the longer term advising residents in respect to available housing and providing information on maintenance etc.


The success of the project will in part be due to engaging local businesses. This will be for both support and fundraising opportunities while keeping them up to date with the development and its progress. The CLT will also encourage local incentive schemes such as Click It

We want to help Leiston develop and evolve, making the town a better place for our residents and visitors. Help us to do so.

Community Projects / Groups

The CLT has already engaged the local youth group as part of the Church Square project. We aims to build upon this, working with local groups and projects to build interest in town centre regeneration and work together on smaller improvement projects.


The CLT has already engaged several key partners such as The Co-op, the local church and the Town Council and East Suffolk Council. We aim to keep them up to date with the development and progress.

Keep in touch and stay informed
Come and visit us at 22 Sizewell Road, Leiston.

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Contact Us
07311 878605
22 Sizewell Road,
Suffolk IP16 4BA
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