Leiston Town Centre Masterplan

The Leiston Master Plan offers an opportunity for coordinated investment in the development of Leiston for the 21st Century. The proposed development of Leiston Market Square will offer a 'pop up' dynamic marketplace with a mixture of affordable homes and modern retail units.

More than Leiston Market Square

As part of our 'urban plan' the Community Land Trust proposed development of three key areas; Old Post Office Square; Church Square and Market Square. We are very excited by the enthusiastic way East Suffolk Council have received the ideas in our Business Plan, so much so they have engaged a consultancy - LDA design to draft a town wide redevelopment proposal based around the frame of our 'Urban Plan'.

The Regeneration Plan is a bold proposal to build on the redevelopment of Church Square to other community schemes. Leiston has a proud heritage and is shaped by hundreds of years of industrial development. This has resulted in a somewhat fragmented development. This is why the CLT feel the 'Market Square' is key to the survival of Leiston's High Street and Businesses, providing a central heart to the town.

Building on the proposals of the CLT, East Suffolk Council have used LDA Design to create a Masterplan to bring together a wholistic plan of design and development proposals. LDA Design have worked with a number of stakeholders including:

Leiston Town Council
Leiston Together
Suffolk County Council
Leiston Community Land Trust
Suffolk Constabulary
Citizen Advice Bureau
Suffolk Libraries
Leiston General Practice Surgery
Alde Valley High School
Long Shop Museum
The Co-Op Super Market
Modece Architects

The Plan is a framework document designed to attract external investment, encourage growth and rejuvenation of Leiston. It is being presented to East Suffolk Council for approval as a strategic document. There are two papers, the first is the Cabinet Meeting introductory paper, the second is a pdf copy of the Leiston Regeneration Masterplan.

Leiston Market Square proposal

Proposed development will be centred around our existing local shops and businesses, therefore providing a focus for the town centre with something for all the Leiston residents and visitors.

The market square will be a fluid space to be utilised for a variety of purposes. These will support the vibrancy and energy of the wide range of amenities Leiston already enjoys.

Concept drawing of the Square in Leiston, Suffolk
A loose concept sketch of a market square to give a feel of the proposal

The market square will contain essential public facilities. For example, a 21st century modern library and advice centres, together with shop / hubs which could include units for small start up businesses.

With the help of a grant from the Architectural Heritage Fund we have been able to engage Modece Architects to undertake a feasibility study of the properties that front onto Sizewell Road. They have looked at three schemes, the possible restoration of the properties to their former condition, the repurposing and modernisation of the property by retaining the facade, through to a full site clearance and rebuild. Any future options will require consultation and an appropriate value assessment.

Leiston will benefit from the support of East Suffolk Council, who own a large part of the land in question. They will use the Masterplan as a basis for investment that will address all the assets of the town and propose an investment proposal that can be used to drive change and growth. The Land Trust are pleased to be working with East Suffolk Council to help deliver the Masterplan.

A copy of the presentation given by Gabriella Fox of East Suffolk Council to our members at the 2022 AGM can be found clicking on the picture below. It gives an update on what a Masterplan is and where we are in the timeline of development and consultation.

Click on the picture to go to the Master Plan presentation
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